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Terapia di Coppia . NET is a service dedicated to couple relationships provided by CIPOG, the Italian Center for Gestalt oriented Psychotherapy

The main aim is to provide high skilled therapy based on contemporary Gestalt Therapy approach.
Since 2007 CIPOG's directors, Giada Bruni and dr. Raffaele Frisone, are engaged on couple's therapy.
This has led to a dedicated service and a book about their approach to couple's relationship and therapy.

They both have private practice in Rome, Florence and Prato

Raffaele Frsione

I was trained in Gestalt Therapy in Italy and then by Robert and Rita Resnick, directors with Todd Burley of the Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (GATLA).
I have my private practice in Rome and in Florence.
With Giada I am one of the founders of CIPOG.

Click Here to visit my personal page

Giada Bruni

I am a Gestalt Psychologist and Psychotherapist, I was trained in Italy and later I continued my training with Robert and Rita Resnick, recognized among the world's leading exponents of the methodology applied to Gestalt Couple's Therapy. I am co-founder of CIPOG.
I work in Rome, Florence and Prato as an independent Gestalt therapist.

Click here to visit my personal page.

is a service dedicated to couple relationships provided by C.I.P.O.G., the Italian Center for Gestalt oriented Psychotherapy. The main aim is to provide high skilled therapy based on contemporary Gestalt Therapy approach.

"Once upon a time...
and almost always lived happily ever after"

Today couple relationships are essentially based on the assumption that two individuals meet, they like each other and decide to stay together until they merge into one entity and finally living happily ever after "till death do us part."
This is the most common myth, that in our culture since we are children we do hope to meet the "right person" with whom to share our lives with no problems or difficulties.

Most couple relationships that begin with so much enthusiasm and on the basis of a real affection fail despite the efforts and commitment of partners with over 40% of marriages today in Italy ending up in divorce or legal separation (ISTAT 2014).
Taking all this into consideration it clearly lets us understand the importance of social issues related to the couple's relationship, in which an individual with a significant relationship failed. In many cases the person experiences the despair resulting from the fear of being alone, of hurting their children, not having adequate financial support, or suffer a social stigma.

Another myth that frequently comes up, but completely opposite to the complementary relationship is the experience of the couples relationship as a chain, unbreakable bond and suffocating. This leads some people to distance themselves from having relationships, ending in an inevitable condition of eternal childhood, without stabilily, often feeling that the relationships are unsatisfactory.

Working model and principles

Our method is based on the principle for which many difficulties involved in dating relationships are based. Some cultural and family preconceived. This creates false mythologies. Both end up altering the way we relate and the meaning of the couple relationship.
These beliefs sometimes belong to us and sometimes are cumbersome constraints imposed by our history or our environment. It could be very hard to express in the couple relationship who we really are and what we really want and gradually we can lose the ability to build a satisfying emotional relationship. A good relationship is based on mutual recognition and respect for differences and individual needs. This would avert the frantic search for unuseful solutions and avoid the painful sensation of trying to connect with the partner using old habits.

Our model therefore supports in particular the importance of working with couples, married or not, heterosexual and homosexual, because we are sure that only a stable emotional relationship, a relationship based on shared understanding and mutual support, enables people to live a more peaceful and satisfying life, and raise healthy children.

This interest in couples therapy, also stems from the fact that current patterns of relationship (where two become one) does not meet the need to build a life together. They are not very suitable for most people, often leading to failed attempts and frustration. People end up blaming themselves or their partner, often hurting even their own children.

So working on the couple's relationship means to build roots based on the awareness of who we are and what we really need, and helps to live our relationships in a more satisfying and full way.


Is a private association we founded in 2004 and of which we are the directors. The center is focused on psychotherapy, training, and publication of information material in order to promote cultural and psychological well-being, as a resource essential for every human being. The CIPOG since 2006 is an educational organization recognized by the Ministry of Health for the provision of accredited ECM trainings.
You can visit the site by click here .

Working with couples

Our approach is dedicated to the development of two main couple's relationship principles, these are:

“How to be who we really are in a couple's relationship”

“Deal with differences instead of differences in dealing”

Further details can be found by visiting the information page.